Six StepsPlan AdoptionInvestment InfoContact



Thank you for your interest in adopting the CalPERS 457 Plan

For more than two decades, we have been offering a Deferred Compensation Plan to public agency and school employers and their employees. Our commitment always remains the same — to provide financial security, value, low cost and quality customer service to employers and Plan participants.

We leverage our financial strength, experience and world class investment management to keep costs low and provide Plan participants unique investment options found nowhere else. We continually seek to discover enhancement opportunities that will not only benefit employees who are currently enrolled, but those who will participate in the future.

Employer Cents Newsletter
Making Cents Newsletter
Six Simple Steps section



Six simple steps to adopt the CalPERS 457 Plan today!


Log in to my|CalPERS under your agency log-in, and submit your request to add the CalPERS 457 Plan as a new Agreement through your Profile-Agreements page by selecting the Add New. You may also identify if you are interested in our optional Loan and Roth Plan Provisions.


A CalPERS 457 Plan Representative will reach out to your agency to ensure you have the most up to date Employer Adoption AgreementModel Resolution, and Employer Loan Provision Form.

Execute a copy of the Employer Adoption Agreement
Have your governing board/entity execute a CalPERS 457 Plan Model Resolution.
Optional Provision:
Complete the Employer Loan Provision Form if you would like to offer participants the ability to borrow from their plan accounts.

Complete and mail the Employer Adoption Checklist Coversheet and attach to the appropriate documentation with original signatures.

Standard Delivery:
CalPERS 457 Plan
P.O. Box 942713
Sacramento, CA 94229-2713

Overnight Delivery:
CalPERS 457 Plan
400 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811


Plan Adoption Materials section

Brochure CoversEmployer Overview

CalPERS 457 Plan Adoption Kit (2024)

Employer Adoption Kit Checklist

CalPERS 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Document (2023)

Model Resolution

Employer Adoption Agreement

New Employer Information Sheet

Loan Feature Overview

Optional Employer Loan Provision Form

CalPERS 457 Roth Plan Overview

SMA Overview

Investment Option Information section

Fund Fact Sheets (Quarterly)
(as of December 31, 2024)

457 Performance Report (Monthly)
(as of January 31, 2025)

Contact CalPERS section

For more information on adding the CalPERS 457 Plan, please contact our Business Development Manager, Michael Kleczek.

  • The local CalPERS 457 Account Managers are also available to help. Organized by region — call or email your local Account Manager today!

We’re ready to help. If you have any questions or need additional information, call Michael at 916-521-2943 and talk with our local experts who know the CalPERS 457 Plan well.



Photo of Michael Kleczek

Michael Kleczek
CalPERS 457 Business Development Manager
Phone: 916-521-2943





Your choice, simplified.