SECOND QUARTER    |   2024
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Introducing the CalPERS 457 Plan’s new Plan Manager

CalPERS welcomes Rebecca Pilling, who has replaced Jennifer Dumond as Voya’s Plan Manager for the CalPERS 457 Plan. We thank Jennifer for her years of service with the Plan and wish her well in her new role at Voya.

Rebecca and her Plan Consultant, Sara Silverberg, are available to support you with all Voya and plan management-related matters. Please call or email them today for assistance or to introduce yourself. They look forward to working with all agencies that have adopted the CalPERS 457 Plan.

Rebecca Pilling, Plan Manager


Sara Silverberg, Plan Consultant


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Who to contact for the CalPERS 457 Plan

The CalPERS 457 Plan partners with Voya Financial® to provide full services to agencies and their employees. This chart can help direct you, your agency contacts, and your employees for assistance.

In this Edition

It is vital to let the CalPERS 457 Plan team know when there are changes to your personnel. Let’s work together to ensure that we have updated records of your agency’s points of contact, their roles, and how to reach them by phone and email.

Please report any changes to the CalPERS 457 Plan team as soon as possible by contacting:


In this Edition

New Plan Manager

CalPERS 457 Plan contacts

On-demand library

Retirement planning content

CalPERS 457 Plan review

Contact Us




CalPERS Employer Resource Center

CalPERS 457 Plan Webinars

CalPERS Webinars

making cents Participant Newsletter


Schedule a Personal Phone Appointment


CalPERS 457 Plan Education Team*
(from Voya)
  CalPERS 457 Plan Administration & Payroll
(from CalPERS)
Call 888-713-8244
Call 800-696-3907
DESCRIPTION: Employees who are actively participating in the CalPERS 457 Plan as well as eligible non-participating employees.
DESCRIPTION: Staff (HR, Finance, Payroll) of agencies that have adopted the CalPERS 457 Plan and administer it for their employees.

  • Serves as the primary contact for all current and eligible plan participants
  • Delivers group presentations or personal one-on-one appointments in person, by phone, or online
  • Provides information about the CalPERS 457 Plan to help with enrollment, retirement saving, and investment-related decisions
  • Assists with participant website ( questions and educational tools such as myOrangeMoney
  • Helps employees with completing enrollment and other participation forms
  • Conducts webinars on various retirement planning topics
  • Delivers dual CalPERS pension and 457 Plan seminars at local CalPERS regional offices


  • Serves as the primary contact for all agency staff administering the CalPERS 457 Plan
  • Provides support to agencies with myCalPERS system and payroll-related matters
  • Assists agencies with updating employee discrepancies such as employment status and demographic information
  • Provides marketing materials and tools to raise employee awareness of the CalPERS 457 Plan’s benefits
  • Coordinates agency-level system access to Voya Sponsor Web, the primary portal to manage employee profiles and other Plan activities

For Sponsor Web and loan support, please email Voya at If your employees have questions about their CalPERS 457 Plan account, please direct them to call the Plan Information Line at 800-260-0659.

* Information from registered Plan Service Representatives is for educational purposes only and is not legal, tax or investment advice. Local Plan Service Representatives are registered representatives of Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. (member SIPC).


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New videos have been added to the CalPERS 457 Plan on-demand library

The CalPERS 457 Plan webinar dashboard, available at, has new on-demand videos that you can link to and share with all employees. In less than 30 minutes, these videos can help your employees, even those who are not participating in the CalPERS 457 Plan, understand concepts such as:

Bridging the Retirement Gap
Learn how the CalPERS 457 Plan can help bridge the retirement income gap that may not be covered by Social Security and pension, and how to stay on track for retirement by developing a own personal retirement planning and saving strategy.

The Foundations of Financial Wellness
Learn how wellness is made up of more than just physical, mental and emotional health, and how developing good financial wellness habits is an important part of one’s general well-being.

CalPERS Pension vs. CalPERS 457 Plan
Learn about the CalPERS pension, CalPERS 457 Plan, and how they’re different, plus how to calculate pension benefits and understanding benefit changes for post-PEPRA employees.

Account Access Made Easy
Learn about the tools in the CalPERS 457 Plan that will help determine if you are on track for your financial goals, improve financial wellness, and become a better spender and saver by managing a budget using the 50/30/20 approach.

On-demand library
We encourage you to share the CalPERS 457 Plan webinar dashboard with your employees. If there’s a topic or concept you’d like to present to your employees in-person or recorded as an on-demand video, call your agency’s dedicated Account Manager at 888-713-8244. Together, let’s make a plan to bring your employees the education they need to achieve a secure financial future.


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Need retirement planning content for your employee intranet or newsletter? We can help.

Your dedicated Account Manager can provide you with educational content for employee outreach. Looking to educate employees on the importance of financial concepts, retirement planning, or incorporating the CalPERS 457 Plan as part of their overall retirement benefits package? Concise 200-300 word articles are available at any time for your agency to use, featuring topics such as:

  • Steps to investing
  • Steps to protect yourself today and tomorrow.
  • Steps to establish an emergency fund.
  • Steps to manage debt.
  • Steps to balance your spending and saving.
  • Saving for retirement with pre-tax or Roth after-tax money — which is right for you?
  • Your retirement savings journey begins with you.
  • Do something good for those you care about.
  • Schedule a personal phone appointment to help you get and stay on track for retirement.
  • Simplify your financial life.

We look forward to the opportunity to partner with you and help educate your employees. To learn more about these educational articles for all employees, please call your dedicated Account Manager at 888-713-8244 weekdays between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. PT.



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2024 is halfway done. Have you requested your CalPERS 457 Plan review for the year to help satisfy your fiduciary responsibility?

We would be happy to meet with you and review your agency’s CalPERS 457 Plan before the end of the year. A meeting can be scheduled at a date and time that’s most convenient for you. Staying informed can help you satisfy your fiduciary responsibility to oversee the CalPERS 457 Plan at your agency, plus explore additional ways that we can help your employees achieve their retirement goals. Email Dave Saavedra or call 916-795-3908 to arrange a review by phone.

business woman at computer

Contact Us

CalPERS 457 Plan representatives are available for myCalPERS and payroll assistance. Email us or call 800-696-3907, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Pacific Time).

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Plan administration services provided by Voya Institutional Plan Services, LLC. Information from registered Plan Service Representatives is for educational purposes only and is not legal, tax or investment advice. Local Plan Service Representatives are registered representatives of Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. (member SIPC).

This newsletter was prepared by Voya Financial®. Articles by Voya are not intended to provide tax or investment advice. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers or other information or content expressed or made available herein has not been independently verified by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), nor does it necessarily state or reflect the views of CalPERS. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processor service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by CalPERS. © 2023 Voya Services Company. All rights reserved


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