Your retirement readiness checklist
This checklist is a simple summary of your next steps. For details to help you improve your retirement readiness, read the Getting ready to retire, simplified guide.
I know what my Social Security income will be in retirement. |
I know the approximate future income from my investments (457 Plan, pension, personal savings, etc.) |
I have determined what percentage of my investments I can afford to withdraw in the first years of retirement. |
I have discussed my finances with my spouse or partner. |
I have advance medical directives in place (i.e., health care proxy, durable power of attorney and living will). |
I have reviewed my beneficiary designations, and have made any necessary updates. |
I have my important papers, including those listed above, where my family can find them. I have reviewed the papers with my spouse or partner. |
I have reviewed my health and life insurance coverages, both now and for retirement. |
I have discussed my retirement plans, such as where I want to live, with my spouse or partner. |
